Monday, May 12, 2008

I talked to BRAD!!

So I got to talk to Brad yesterday, becuase of course it was mother's day!! It was perfect!! We talked for a long time actually. Don't worry, he talked to his family like all day but then he called me before he had to go to bed! I know we just talked on Christmas, but we still had soooo much to talk about. He loves his mission so much. He is ready and excited to come home in November, but he really would love to stay there. I told him he had to come home ;) He has a couple baptisms coming up in a few weeks, but he is getting transfered to be a Zone Leader! Yay for him. He told me he would rather stay where he is because he loves being so close to everyone and teaching, but he is ready for the experience of being a Zone Leader too. I'll post some pictures of his mission soon. But just thought I would share how he is doing! Oh and he has gained 30 pounds since he has been out!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!! I'm so happy he is finally getting fat! He isn't fat, but thicker i should say! haha Anyway, he is pretty much perfect and I can't wait till he'll be home!! 5 1/2 months baby!!! :) :)


Unknown said...

He's so cheating, calling you on mother's day! You need to come swimming, it's so warm!! Love ya, Your favorite sis :-)

Wendi and Matt said...

awww yayy!! thats so much fun! haha and i loved his pic with the food going in his mouth haha

Tiff Hunt said...

Sinners! Love you!

Kassi Moyers said...

i cant believe you got to talk for so long. logans mission president said he could call for 45 mins so i only got to talk to him for 3 minutes. 10 months left and i can be happy agaiN!! haha

Kristen said...

Hey you need to either post those pics you took of us girls at macaroni grill or email them too me! i really need copies! PLEEEEEAAAASSSEEEE????? Here's my email:

Thanks girly, love ya!